Saturday, May 25, 2013


This often street sold boiled duck egg is a creepy sort of food that stimulates different emotions inside us after indulging. I tasted it one time and instead of chewing up the young creature, I gulped it down at once through my throat. 

Balut is a developing duck embryo between 17-18 days, boiled with salt and gobbled with vinegar in its shell. It is a regular food in countries in Southeast Asia. In our country, it is commonly a street food.

The juice surrounding the embryo is sipped from the egg before the shell is fully broken, and the yolk and young chick inside is being eaten.

The term “balut” comes from the word “balot” which means “to wrap”. My friends and I would always marvel in our place why most balut sellers show only during nighttime.

So don’t ever try to belike me gulping it down straight throat wards, just learn and enjoy the food, either your heart pounds with eagerness or your face flinches in dreadfulness.

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