Thursday, May 2, 2013

Lechon Manok / Roasted Chicken

Lechon Manok / Roasted Chicken

Lechon Manok is one of the dishes that’s easy to prepare, one dish, though stands for all, a unique Filipino recipe with trouble-free ingredients: 1 whole chicken, lemon grass, garlic, salt, pepper, and the cooking oil. Typically, having lemon grass on your roasted chicken makes it more delicious plus, it will smell good.

Filipino lechon manok is a whole chicken that is flavored and roasted until cooked. And it is sold all throughout the Philippines with free dipping sauce and habitually pickled papaya for side dish. It's usual to see roasting chicken stalls in every corner, generally roasting it in an open indoor charcoal pit.

The roasted chicken has an astonishing chicken taste from the marinade, and a sweet aroma. As a final point, lechon manok is a mouth-watering, greasy golden brown chicken having lots of proteins to energize the body.

Although it is eaten all year round, many people still choose for roasted chickens for their daily lunch and dinner.

To know more about liempo and lechon manok, please visit our website, one of the best liempo in the Philippines - Mr. Liempo, awarded as best liempo of year 2012. Visit us also in Facebook