Saturday, May 25, 2013

Dinuguan (Pork Blood Stew)

This reddish purple-tinted pork blood stew dinuguan, though we don’t usually cook it during occasions is a satisfying exotic dish of blood and meat churned in peppery gravy of pig blood and chilies.

Dinuguan is customary during minor celebrations here in the Philippines as pig is always selected and cooked in various techniques. It has been considered as foreign for the pork blood is its major ingredient.

Dinuguan can also be served without using any other innards but only alternative cuts of pork. The meat mentioned involves pork intestine, liver, snout, stomach, etc.

Though it’s a very uncommon ingredient to use, this is not just inspired in the Philippines because in fact there are many countries that use duck and goose blood in their cuisine.

Some people don’t usually like exotic foods but for me, most of us believe that food isn’t about how we are being impressed but it is about how we enjoy it.

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