Friday, May 17, 2013

Beef Steak (Bistek)

The worldwide eaten beef steak is the kind of dish you can’t refuse to chomp even when you are being stomach-filled. Like me, I used to lick my fingers after spoiling myself on the yielding steak of beef paired with newly cooked rice, and its taste was in fact remarkably splendid!

For the utmost taste, the flat, tender cut of beef, usually upright to the muscle fibers, is marinated first with soy sauce, calamansi juice, some onions, garlic, and vinegar before it is grilled, pan-fried, or broiled.

The name of the beef steak in our country is bistek. Some people before thought that “bistek” is a mispronounced and misspelled “beef steak”. But later then, they found out that bistek is also in the cuisines of many countries that used to be Spanish settlements.

Bistek is special yet unfussy to make, which is the matter that a true soothing food consists of and which is why nearly all Filipino families would likely cook this every now and then.

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